Wardrobe Overhaul

Imagine opening your closet each morning and finding it full of choices that make you feel good. No more settling for outfits that are “JUST FINE”.

It's time for clothes that make you feel like your best self — confident and ready to take on the day.

Katie Kabel and a client ascending the escalator in a shopping center

It’s time to refine!

You've noticed that the woman in the mirror doesn't quite match up with the person you know you can be. It seems your wardrobe hasn't kept pace with the changes in your life. Now is the perfect moment to align your external style with your intentions and goals.

The wardrobe overhaul is designed to help you do just that. We'll work together to sift through what you have, identify what works, and fill in the gaps with pieces that truly represent you. It's not just about having new clothes; it's about rediscovering yourself and letting your wardrobe reflect the real you. Let's make your closet a place of joy and confidence, where every item is a favorite.

Let's make your wardrobe work for you!

Here’s what you‘ll walk away with.

  • warm toned clothing on a black rack

    Decluttered Closet

    We'll start with a closet clean-out to remove what you don't need and focus on keeping only the pieces that truly work for you—those that fit well, look great, and make you feel amazing.

  • katie kable shopping with a client

    Personal Shopping Trip

    Experience a relaxed and efficient shopping day with me. It's all about finding pieces that you love and that love you back, without any of the usual stress.

  • Katie Kabel styling a dress form

    Styled Outfits

    Forget the morning scramble. We’ll create outfits that work seamlessly, so you can always find something to wear that makes you feel good.

  • client viewing a color page from the style guide

    Personalized Style Guide

    A comprehensive guide tailored to your style, including the best colors and shapes for you. It's a great tool to have for future shopping, helping you make smart choices and avoid those buys you later regret.

  • katie kabel consulting a client over zoom

    Style Advice When You Need It

    Throughout our time together, I'm here to help with any style questions you have. Think of me as your go-to for fashion advice, big or small.

Investment: $1895 (plans available)

Noel Gatts

Television host & designer

I was hosting a television show for a couple of years and not really great at dressing myself. Katie was not only able to pinpoint colors that worked for me, but also helped me minimize and edit my closet, and find pieces that I could mix and match and wear together all the time. This is absolutely life changing for anybody — but especially for me since I had to figure out how to look good on TV.

Lynne smiling for a testimonial photo

"Katie made the process of choosing fall essentials for my wardrobe effortless. She took the time to really understand where I wanted to go with my style and chose pieces that I loved. The shopping day was so easy and fun. I could not wait to wear my new finds.”

Lynne — Short Hills, NJ